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This is a great low-cost coffee grinder that does a great job of grinding fresh coffee beans into the right level of fineness for your brewing method of choice.
If you don’t need to grind large amounts of coffee at any one time and you want the additional satisfaction of grinding your coffee without the use of a machine then this Garmol hand coffee grinder offers a great value for money way of getting your coffee the way it should be without having to rely on another appliance that you have to plug into the wall.
There are many benefits that make a hand coffee grinder an option to consider:
Design. It looks a bit like a stainless steel pepper mill and the cylinder design looks good as well as it being a functional kitchen product.
At this price level it’s common to get a grinder that’s made of plastic where no thought has gone into how it looks but this is as pleasing on the eye as the results that it delivers.
Space saving. If you go for an electric grinder then its yet another thing to have to put out in the work surface and if your home is anything like mine then space on the counter top is limited so the less you have it clogged up the more space you have for preparing your food on a daily basis.
The Garmol hand grinder is just 21.6cm tall and 7cm wide so it’s going to fit comfortably into any cupboard in your kitchen without clogging up workspace.
Money saving. The best type of grinders are burr grinders because they grind your beans as opposed to chop them up with a blade.
Low-cost electric grinders are blade grinders but with a manual grinder you get the best of both worlds. a low price and burr disks to grind your coffee beans.
A good electric burr grinder can cost well over £100 but as long as you are happy to put a little bit of arm work in to turn the handle then you’ll get a similar result with this grinder as an electric one that cost 5 times more.
Coffee away from home. You are much less likely to bring an electric coffee grinder that you have to plug into the wall out of the house with you but a manual grinder is much smaller and much more portable.
If you are sick of the instant coffee from the machine at work you can treat yourself to a fresh cup of coffee by grinding yourself some fresh beans at your desk.
Or perhaps you like to go camping or have a holiday home that you don’t visit often enough to justify investing in an expensive grinder then something in this price range will fit the bill perfectly.
Cleaning and maintenance. With an electric coffee grinder you’ll need to take it over to the sink to give it a rinse but with a manual grinder all you need to do is occasionally give the inside where the burrs are a brush to remove any residue coffee.
Not everyone has a soft bristled brush in their kitchen drawer so a nice little touch that we have not seen on other manual grinders at this price level is that a cleaning brush is included with this coffee grinder.
You get everything you need to use and maintain this grinder. There is very little that can break so if you treat it with care you should get many happy years of grinding out of it.
Sound. Doing it yourself instead of using a machine can be more satisfying because you feel as though you personally contributed more to the final result. Grinding coffee with the handle feels like you are grinding black pepper but with bigger pieces!
Enjoy the experience. Once you have ground the beans with elbow grease you can brew it using your favourite brewing method and sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Smell. Who can resist the smell of freshly ground coffee? You start to get that unmistakable aroma as soon as you start turning the handle and you know you are only a few minutes away from a delicious cup of coffee.
A superb value for money manual coffee grinder that holds about 40g of coffee beans that can be ground at one time, perfect for a couple of double espressos or plenty for multiple cups using a filter coffee machine or cafetiere.
It has a very appealing stainless-steel tubular design and the rubber collar in the middle allows you to grip it firmly but also cleverly doubles up as storage for the handle that just slides in so it doesn’t get lost and makes it easier to store.
The grinder disks are adjustable in small increments to accommodate all the popular brewing methods from espresso (very fine) all the way through to cafetière (coarse).
This is an excellent budget hand coffee grinder.
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Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API