- Roast 6 | Taylors of Harrogate’s darkest roast, Hot Lava Java is powerful and smoky
Taylors of Harrogate have been around since 1886.
They started off as a small family-run company and they remain a family-run company to this day but they are not small anymore!
They have grown significantly during that time to become one of the best-known coffee brands in the UK and there is a very good reason for that – they produce great coffee.
They also care deeply about the way in which their coffee is produced ensuring that everything they buy is UTZ (Universal Trade Zone) certified.
This ensures that all of the coffee beans they buy are sustainable and the farms have to abide by a strict set of rules including things like soil fertility management, gender equality, access to education for all children and no child labour.
The fact that they care so much not just about the quality of the coffee but the entire end to end process makes it easy to buy coffee from them knowing that they are a trustworthy and credible company that still have their headquarters where it all began in Harrogate Yorkshire.
They have a range of 14 different blends of ground coffee which will almost certainly cater for all tastes
The Hot Lava Java is a wonderful extra dark roast coffee best drunk first thing in the morning. This is a coffee which is guaranteed to kickstart your day or give you a boost mid-afternoon if you feel yourself flagging.
The intensity and darkness of a bean increases the longer it is roasted.
This is very much a dark roast coffee blended with beans from 3 different countries – Indonesia, India and Brazil.
Body & Aroma
This has a smokiness and ruggedness feel about it.
A powerful strong taste from this extra dark roast is a real joy to savour if you like your coffee gutsy and explosive. This a real powerhouse, coming through very rich and intense.
Taylors grade their coffee from 3 to 7 with 3 being mild and 7 as strong as it gets!
The hot lava java has been given an intensity of 6 and we would have to agree with that.
This coffee definitely has a real explosive kick to it.
This coffee has a high caffeine content so is a perfect coffee to kick start your day first thing in the morning.
This coffee has been ground to be most suited to cafetiere’s and filter coffee machines.
If you prefer to grind the coffee beans yourself perhaps finer to be more suited for espresso or cappuccino then this particular blend is also available in a 1KG bag here
- Roast 6 | Taylors of Harrogate’s darkest roast, Hot Lava Java is powerful and smoky
Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API