Ditch The Sugar, Put Maple Syrup In Coffee




Ditch The Sugar, Put Maple Syrup In Coffee

Coffee and enjoyment are two words that we almost always find in the same sentence. But, how can you achieve the latter without adding sugar?

In my personal (but very personal) view, coffee should be enjoyed black. Good coffee, that is, because imitation may require the addition of sugar to make it drinkable – but this is another topic of discussion.

Everyone drinks their coffee differently, and the amount of sugar that one adds to their cup can significantly differ from another one.

And who are we to say no to what satisfies one’s taste? However, we are interested in finding alternative options to sugar for people who prefer their coffee sweet.

Of course, it’s all about making our coffee healthier, and even tastier, without sacrificing the taste.

This article is dedicated to those who prefer their coffee medium or sweet.

It is also the answer to the question that flies over the heads of many people every morning or every time they want to drink their sweet cup of coffee but do not want to, once again, add sugar to it.

So how can you sweeten coffee without adding sugar or any of its substitutes? The answer is to add some maple syrup!

Where And How Is Maple Syrup Produced?

To begin with, maple syrup is produced from maple sugar. What is a maple? Maple is a genus of trees or shrubs with the scientific name Acer.

The scientific name of the maple is due to its characteristic leaves with three or five-pointed ends.

Maple syrup is made in Canada through a natural two-step process. The preparation comprises piercing or drilling a tree to obtain the sap of the tree.

Starch develops in the root and trunk of these trees, especially in the months leading up to winter.

This starch has been amassed for a long time, making it simple to transform it from its natural condition to sugar.

The sugar rises in the spring and combines with the water to make the juice, which is ready to be collected or harvested.

Because the juice has a high water content, it must be processed to remove the water and leave the concentrated, heavy syrup behind.

The finished product is made without the use of any chemical additives or preservatives, thanks to a heating process.

So, as you can tell, maple syrup is a great healthy alternative to the chemically processed sugar you will find on the café counter, making it ideal for your coffee.

What Is Its Sweetness When Compared To Simple Sugar?

Ditch The Sugar, Put Maple Syrup In Coffee

Crystalline white sugar is responsible for causing health problems in humans when consumed in large quantities.

Some of them are obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Due to the deep processing required for its production, there are no vitamins or minerals left in the final product.

On the other hand, maple syrup is raw and consists of about 2/3 of sucrose (sugar).

Each 100g of syrup produces about 66g of sugar, which means that its sugar is reduced by 1/3 without its sweetness being affected.

Therefore, replacing white sugar with pure maple syrup is likely to bring about a net health benefit.

Maple Syrup: Nutrients And Caloric Value

So, maple syrup is a natural sweetener that does not contain added sugar, dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives, or additives.

Like all sweeteners, it has no significant amount of protein or fat. In contrast, 66% of syrup is made up of carbohydrates, of which 90% are natural sugars.

As for the calories hidden in it, each 100g of product yields 260 calories and consists of 32% water, and, because it is not processed, all its nutrients are still there.

Maple syrup is not only tempting and tasty, but it is also a “storehouse” of great health benefits.

This natural sweetener has over 50 antioxidants that can contribute positively to the prevention of chronic diseases.

It contains a decent amount of minerals and vitamins, especially manganese, zinc, riboflavin (Vitamin B2), and a partial amount of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

In fact, 4 tablespoons of syrup supply the body with more than 100% of the daily intake of manganese, 37% riboflavin, 18% zinc, 7% magnesium, 5% calcium, and 5% potassium.

How Can I Use Maple Syrup?

Ditch The Sugar, Put Maple Syrup In Coffee

Maple syrup is a sweetener that, especially in Canada where it comes from, can be found in every household’s kitchen cupboard.

In fact, a maple leaf adorns the Canadian flag, so you could say that it’s almost impossible to not use it for, literally, everything.

If you’re not Canadian, you’ve most probably had pancakes with maple syrup for brunch at least once in your life.

You know, it’s what we pour over our pancakes. This tasty syrup can also be added to cereals with milk, substitute honey in baking recipes, and even be added to fried eggs to give them a sweet essence!

Its taste is very special as it gives the feeling of caramel but with bittersweet aromas.

What is not so well known, though, is that thanks to its delicate and milder than honey texture, it can be a perfect addition to coffee as a sweetener.

Whether you just want to add some sweetness to your black coffee, have a Starbucks-y coffee, or the famous North American maple latte, maple syrup will give your coffee a bittersweet taste that is more than worth the try.

And if you’re looking after your physique, you will be happy to know that it comes with only 18 calories per teaspoon, making it a great low-calorie option for your sweet cup of coffee in the morning.

Maple Syrup Latte Recipe

We have an amazing and tasty recipe for you to take your next latte to the next level.

This is an aromatic, sweet drink, ideal for autumn mornings or afternoons. And if you don’t trust us, ask a North American!

Maple latte is made just like a latte. What you will need to make this drink is:

  • Two shots of espresso
  • 150 ml milk
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • A little grated nutmeg

As you can tell, this is a very sweet drink, so if you’re like me and want your coffee black and bold, then you should probably stick to it.

Yet, if you want to try something different and crave something sweet for a change, you can try making this latte and be Canadian for a day!

Of course, the amount of syrup can be reduced and adjusted to our own tastes, so if 3 tablespoons sound like an exaggeration, go for half of that.

You should also choose coffee beans with unique origins, like the ones grown in Brazil, India, Colombia, or even Indonesia, and look for one that will also be of mild acidity, chocolate, or nutty or spicy profile.

As for the rest of the ingredients in this recipe, the cinnamon and nutmeg you will add will give your latte a more aromatic character.

And if you’re looking to accompany your coffee with some food, snack, or dessert (you must have a really sweet tooth for this) savory and sweet pancakes, chocolate cakes, or oatmeal cookies are a perfect fit!


Maple syrup will give your coffee a sweetness so that every sip comes down more pleasantly.

It is an awesome and flavorful, natural sweetener and can be a great addition to a healthy diet. However, you should always enjoy it in moderation, even with your coffee.

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